Forums Signature and Avatars

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My avatars.

My current NWN character descriptions.

1. Belorfin Siana: sheriff of Silverdale Village and badass legendary paladin

Alright, so officially, Aethannis said he was supposed to be the nightwatchman, not sheriff.

But, I had already called him the sheriff and he had a deputy or two. Oh well. Now you know. Nightwatchman. Doesn't sound nearly as cool, but hey what can you do? Also, tell me why he wants the town guard to be so little and weak! Lennix and I aren't supposed to hire actual guards, per se, with authority. It baffles the hell out of me. *sigh* Oh well. Two people on ten, I suppose. Again, I say what can you do? And somebody please make the cells relockable. Lennix's key will only unlock. Thank you.

2. Lord Black: elf, Master Sorcerer
3. Krush Bastardo Lurrga, half-orc
4. Flavor of the Week (whoever I'm in the mood to play)

The avatars so far are of Belorfin, Lord Black, and me.


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